public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags **** & web



Tom Conrad

by springnet
And then the blogosphere picked it up. The first accounts I read sounded like “HUGE BLOWUP AT GNOMEDEX!!!” Strange, I thought — my experience of the event was quite different: it was a non-event for me.

Domaine détourné

by talou
Ouille ouille ouille ! Bref, d'où la nécessité de faire gaffe aux comptes mails de gestion de nom de domaine !

Blueroot Studios An Experiment

by springnet
Mashable has a great roundup of online calendars and calendar resources that are available right now. The usual suspects are there along with some lesser-known calendars. Of course we all know who the leader is still (at least until Yahoo releases their



xmpp4moz - Trac

by talou & 2 others
xmpp4moz brings XMPP, the technology behind Jabber, to Mozilla, to enable rapid development of rich clients and browser extensions for instant messaging, and provide a new dimension of real-time, collaborative interaction to server-side web applications.

7 transformations pour des textes à fort impact - Référencement, Design et Cie

by talou & 5 others
Poursuivant mes recherches sur l'écriture web, je vous propose aujourd'hui la traduction partielle d'un article de Dave Nolan, intitulé "High impact copywriting, fast". Dave y propose 7 règles de rédaction pour des textes efficaces en terme de persuasion et d'appel à l'action

Pandora - Find Music You'll Love

by rike & 192 others
+ Cool concept :) + Cool interface - mais pas de DUB! :( - Réservé aux US ciitizens - Limité à 14 titres/heure

Active users

last mark : 22/01/2009 02:42

last mark : 16/06/2008 09:01

last mark : 06/03/2008 17:15

last mark : 17/11/2006 10:24

last mark : 29/03/2006 13:16

last mark : 05/02/2006 15:17