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PUBLIC MARKS with tags .net & microsoft




MOSS 2007 vs. WSS - Sharepoint version comparison

by nhoizey
The most basic difference between the two solutions is the upfront investment. In short, WSS is free to most companies whereas MOSS requires a minimum of software purchases and sometimes requires a hardware purchase. Annotated link


Download Reporting Services Scripter

by brianwaustin (via)
Reporting Services Scripter is a .NET Windows Forms application that enables scripting and transfer of all Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services catalog items to aid in transferring them from one server to another. It can also be used to easily move items on mass from one Reporting Services folder to another on the same server. Depending on the scripting options chosen, Reporting Services Scripter can also transfer all catalog item properties such as Descriptions, History options, Execution options (including report specific and shared schedules), Subscriptions (normal and data driven) and server side report parameters.

The Finalizer - IDispatch the Fury!

by brianwaustin
Microsoft battle bot created with .Net framework and geek know-how.

Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0

by nhoizey
The Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 is a free add-in that simplifies the process of displaying .NET forms and controls in a Visual Basic 6 application. Instead of upgrading the entire code base, these applications can now be extended one form at a time.

A Performance Comparison of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with Existing Distributed Communication Technologies

by brianwaustin (via)
This article provides a high-level performance comparison between Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and existing Microsoft .NET distributed communication technologies.

ASP.NET & Windows Forms UI controls and components and Reporting solution

by brianwaustin & 4 others (via)
Telerik is a leading vendor of User Interface (UI) components for ASP.NET and Windows Forms, and .NET Reporting solutions. Building on our expertise in interface development and Microsoft technologies, Telerik helps customers build applications with unparalleled richness, responsiveness and interactivity. Created with passion, Telerik products help thousands of developers every day to be more productive and deliver reliable applications under budget and on time.


Avec le projet Phalanger, PHP devient un langage de premier choix sur la plate-forme Microsoft .NET

by nhoizey
Phalanger est un projet Open Source visant à créer une nouvelle implémentation du langage PHP sur la plate-forme .NET de Microsoft. A ce jour, phpBB, phpMyAdmin ou encore Wordpress fonctionnent sur Phalanger sans aucune modification dans leur code sour

[Blog] Des bugs VS.NET trop dangereux à corriger :: :: Architecture .NET (DotNet)

by nhoizey
Des bugs designés comme légitimes mais cloturés en "Won't Fix"parce que leur résolution pourraient générer des problèmes de compatibilité avec le code existant. Il est donc préférable de les laisser en l'état. Une vraie leçon de génie logicie

Two minute Tips

by kalooni
Developer tips in video

[News] Windows Workflow supporte désormais le standard BPEL :: :: Architecture .NET (DotNet)

by nhoizey
Les spécifications BPEL [...] sont désormais supportées en version 1.1 par Workflow Foundation (WF)

Clemens Vasters and the WS Stars : So how much faster is it really and is it? WCF performance in comparison.

by nhoizey
To summarize the results, WCF is 25%—50% faster than ASP.NET Web Services, and approximately 25% faster than .NET Remoting. [...] in one case WCF is nearly 100% faster but in another scenario it is nearly 25% slower.

Launch Announcement: DOTENET (Digg Clone)

by alfzurkin & 1 other
Its give me immense pleasure to announcement .NET portal - DOTENET (URL: It’s "Digg" style web application dedicated to .NET and relative technologies. This portal will serve as central hub to share articles, tutorials, blog post etc.


by nhoizey (via)
The essence of ESB.NET is that it’s message based services rather than just XML document centric or RPC style. It is Data and Business Service oriented as opposed to Technical feature Oriented. Approach is to add value to the Business spectrum.

le coach ASP.Net

by Ptit-oups & 1 other
voici des cours, tutauriaux, sous forme de vidéos et de documents qui vous permettent de vous mettre au dveloppement d'applications web avec Dotnet sans difficulté. Il existe des cours pour de nombreux niveaux. Il y a également des travaux pratiques permettant de s'entraîner

Hébergement Web

by Ptit-oups
Une offre très intéresante d'hébergement Web pour toutes les applications microsof et autrest. Profitez ainsi des dernières technologies Microsoft avec AJAX, ASP NET 2.0 et SQL Server 2005.

Dotnet project

by Ptit-oups
Un site français sur la plate forme Dotnet de Microsoft. Ce site présente des astuces, des tutoriels, des projets afin d'améliorer ses compétences .Net et de ne pas redévelopper ce qui existe déjà. La communauté est très active.

Code magazine (DotNet)

by Ptit-oups
Un trèsbon site qui posède une mine d'informations pour les développeurs .Net. Vous y trouverz une mine d'informations quelque soit le langage, le framework, ou encore la plate forme de développent.

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