January 2007
October 2006
affordance.info: Taxonomie des recherches
by arkandis & 1 othertypologie des usages des moteurs de recherche * Recherches navigationnelles (recherche d'une page particulière) * Recherches informationnelles (recherche d'une information nécessitant la consultation de plusieurs pages) * Recherches trans
September 2006
Figoblog. Il y a un livre dans mon moteur
by arkandisUn très bon billet avec notamment l'introduction de la navigation à facette dans un ensemble d'outils pour la recherche de documents bibliographiques.
July 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
ITRGames.com : L'actualité des loisirs interactifs.
by arkandisLes nouveaux moteurs de recherche qui associent une recherche humaine à une recherche technique.
APHID Parallel Game-Tree Search Library
by bcpbcp (via)APHID is an acronym for Asycnhronous Parallel Hierarchical Iterative Deepening. The APHID game-tree search algorithm attempts to accomplish many goals:
* to test out the viability of asynchronous search methods for parallel alpha-beta based search.
* to develop an algorithm that works well across all hardware platforms and applications.
* to implement a tool that can be easily inserted into legacy sequential search algorithms.
February 2006
MarcoGomes.com» Blog Archive » Brazilian Webstandards Search on Rollyo
by bcpbcpVocê pode adicionar este form à seu site ou colocá-lo integrado ao Firefox!
January 2006
Web 2.0 Workgroup - A network of Web 2.0 resources
by bcpbcp & 32 othersThe Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals. If you would like to subscribe to all of these blogs, download and import the OPML file into your favorite RSS reader. NEW! Check out an OPML mash-up of the Workgroup, by J Wynia using our OPML file plus the Yahoo Search API.
December 2005
(20 marks)