01 October 2006
Large Graph Layout (LGL)
by YukuanMarkLGL is a compendium of applications for making the visualization of large networks and trees tractable. LGL was specifically motivated by the need to make the visualization and exploration of large biological networks more accessible. Essentially the netw
28 August 2006
Boost to Python
by YukuanBlog前陣子費了番功夫評估一些工具,跑複雜網路的模擬實驗要用的。這些實驗,圖論用得特別兇;會用到許多隨機抽樣的東西;實驗結果、數據,也要以圖表繪出。
15 August 2006
Boost Graph Library - Python Bindings
by YukuanMarkThe Boost Graph Library Python bindings (which we refer to as "BGL-Python") expose the functionality of the Boost Graph Library and Parallel Boost Graph Library as a Python package, allowing one to perform computation-intensive tasks on graphs (or network
(3 marks)