June 2006
January 2006
明報:放人檢控看證據 豈容壓力損法治
by phgod「如果警方拘捕示威者後一概不予起訴,像天主教港區主教陳日君建議的那樣,先向示威者道歉,然後恭送他們回國,香港還有何法治可言﹖」同意。陳主教越來越不像樣了,很令人遺憾。
成報:韓農案皆大歡喜 濫求情影響司法
by phgod過去,每逢有達官貴人犯了法卻被撤銷起訴,一班民主派議員都會群起而攻之。如今同一班人竟然妄顧韓農犯法的事實,要求政府放人。這班議員的素質實在很令人懷疑。
August 2005
反釋法遊行19 日舉行
by ryanne[friday, 08 april 2005] From Article 45 Concern Group: Join Our 419 Silent March! To express our regret of the SAR Government’s decision to seek an interpretation by the NPC Standing Committee and our concern for the rule of law in Hong Kong under the "
4.19 Silent March
by ryanne[wednesday, 20 april 2005] 4.19 Silent March: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laihiu/sets/245167/
July 2005
June 2005
The Standard - So easy for Tsang
by tsalonLandslide victory for Beijing's man as rivals concede in chief executive race
Who is behind the incident of Ching Cheong? | Chatter Garden
by tsalonWhile the China government told a story of spy without providing any substantial evidence, we could take this incident as a political conflict within the government.
Michael DeGolyer: They've got the message
by tsalonexplains why people stop protesting on June 4th anniversary
May 2005
March 2005
獨立媒體 (香港) :: BBC的《質問時刻》----香港與臺灣問題部分
by tsalon已被當局禁播。昨晚的節目內容是關於共產黨領導的辯論會。BBC堅持不作妥協,節目製作人及編輯均表示,觀眾必須確保能在節目內不被干預、暢所欲言,否則不會到中國錄製。