June 2005
The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)
by pixelator & 10 othersLinux equivilants of windoze programs
May 2005
The Open Source Weblog - opensource.weblogsinc.com _
by pixelator & 1 otherA weblog about open source software
March 2005
by pixelator & 5 othersPAPER CRAFTS We hope you will enjoy our paper craft collections. The challenge level and your satisfaction guaranteed!
My Favorite Smallware :: MarkTAW.com
by pixelator & 24 othersWhen I install a new OS, or am setting myself up at a new computer, some programs always end up coming with me and are installed within a week. My last OS install was about a month ago, here's a brief list of some of the programs that are on my computer n
(7 marks)