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31 January 2012 18:15

The Tanka of Eishin-ryu: Part Nine – Takiotoshi | [ ]

by Takwann
In this series of articles, I am attempting to translate and contextualise the dōka of Hasegawa Eishin-ryū. All articles in this series can be found here. In this article, I will be looking at the tanka for the ninth technique, Takiotoshi. This is the final tanka translation in this series. I hope to follow it up with a short article looking at the poems as a group, the similarities between them, and how they relate to each other.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Takiotoshi

Eishin-Ryu +   Hasegawa-Eishin Ryu +   iaido +   tanka +  

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last mark : 31/01/2012 18:27