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PUBLIC MARKS with tag agora


Baixar Livro Agora é Que São Elas – Paulo Leminski em PDF, ePub, mobi ou Ler Online | Le Livros

by tadeufilippini (via)
Descrição do livro Ficção, re-ficção, uma história que desvenda o processo de todas as histórias, AGORA É QUE SÃO ELAS, uma novela com começo, meio e fim (não necessariamente nessa ordem, é claro). Um romance pra tocar no rádi

Speak Now 3: iTools - : : Free download English E-Books

by tadeufilippini
Speak Now is a four-level speaking course which develops students’ communication skills both in and out of the classroom. Every activity in Speak Now includes a speaking component. Video activities are integrated every four lessons, providing real-life language models for students. Speak Now can also be expanded into a four-skills course through extra activities available in the Workbook and on iTools. The Multi-Skill Bonus Pack, available on Speak Now iTools, features targeted activities across every skill area. Encourage your students to improve their listening, speaking and pronunciation skills outside class with Speak Now Online Practice. The speak and record facility lets your students send you their speaking activities for grading and feedback. A range of interactive teacher tools allow you to track each individual students’ progress, monitor their grades, and keep in touch with them.


Le problème des commentaires ne vient pas des commentaires | Rue89

by nhoizey
« Internet n'est pas un média [...], Internet est un lieu. C'est un parc ou un coin de rue où les gens passent et se rencontrent, se parlent et se disputent, où ils ont raison ou tort, où ils se connectent entre eux, ainsi qu'à des informations, et où ils agissent. C'est un endroit public. »





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