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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ajax & chat





by srcmax & 6 others

phpFreeChat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports multi-rooms (/join), private messages, moderation (/kick, /ban), customized themes based on CSS and plugins systems that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends …), and you own chat commands !


by julie & 6 others

phpFreeChat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports multi-rooms (/join), private messages, moderation (/kick, /ban), customized themes based on CSS and plugins systems that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends …), and you own chat commands !

ajax im - the ajax-based instant messenger

by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses AJAX to create a near real-time IM environment that can be used in conjunction with community, intranet, and social websites. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript.


ajax im - the ajax-based instant messenger

by srcmax & 5 others
ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses AJAX to create a near real-time IM environment that can be used in conjunction with community, intranet, and social websites. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript.

Chat en Ajax

by lecyborg & 2 others
Ajax Chat Engine ACE est un moteur un Chat qui permet de communiquer via votre navigateur, sans aucun applet JAVA. Ajax Chat Engine est divisé en deux parties : * ACE Server Totalement indépendant, le server simule un server HTTP et forge ses informations telles que la technologie AJAX peut les interpreter. Developpé en C et grace aux tables de Hashages, les performances sont incontestablement puissantes et peu gourmandes en ressources. MySQL est utilisé uniquement lors du Login de l'user pour plus de praticité, ensuite le server gère lui même la gestion des informations. * ACE client Developpé en JavaScript grace à la technologie AJAX, le client n'a besoin d'aucun programme exterieur comme un applet JAVA ou CGI. La légèreté et portabilité de ACE Client est donc son atout principal.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ajax

directory +   javascript +   library +   offline +   software +   web 2.0 +   web app +  

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Jeremy B.
last mark : 28/11/2010 14:06

last mark : 27/05/2010 14:52

last mark : 15/01/2010 14:29

last mark : 20/04/2008 15:31

last mark : 20/04/2008 08:39

last mark : 18/04/2008 10:07

last mark : 11/04/2008 09:17

last mark : 05/01/2008 18:37

last mark : 19/07/2007 15:48

last mark : 26/06/2007 06:42

last mark : 24/06/2007 10:08

last mark : 07/05/2007 10:21

last mark : 13/04/2007 17:57

last mark : 06/03/2007 05:08