31 March 2006 02:30
Roach Control Tips to Discourage Roach Encroachment
by misskitty4280Roaches just refuse to go away--at least when you live in an apartment. They return, even after you think you've gotten rid of them.
The Five Worst Types of Tenants
by misskitty4280The following tenants are a landlord's worst nightmare. They display habits that are obnoxious or inconsiderate, even if they have the best of intentions. Are you any one of these tenants?
Explanation of Different Types of Housing Discrimination Protected Under the Fair Housing Act
by misskitty4280"No children." "Christians only." "Not handicapped friendly." Such statements in apartment ads are against the law. Certain classes are protected by the federal government against discrimination when it comes to renting an apartment.
What to Buy for Your First Apartment - Checklists
by misskitty4280There is so much that needs to be bought when you move into your first apartment. The list is so long that it's hard to keep track of all the items, making it easy to forget them
(5 marks)