Se garer est désormais plus facile avec l'appli MobyPark
by lang2012
nativeclient - Google Code
by keusta & 1 other (via)Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs
by nhoizey & 2 others2007
Bill de hÓra: APP on the Web has failed: miserably, utterly, and completely
by benoit & 1 otherThe post is a good read, and informative, but the title and the above quotation has something of Chicken Little about it. Let's go though Dare's 3 problems, provide some options for dealing with them, and then state 2 further problems with APP that are indeed worth thinking about.
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Google GData: A Uniform Web API for All Google Services
by benoitContrast this with the API efforts on Yahoo! Developer Network or Windows Live Dev which are an inconsistent glop of incompatible RESTful protocols, SOAP APIs and XML-RPC methods all under the same roof. In the Google case, an app that can read and write data to Blogger can also do so to Google Calendar or Picasa Web Albums with minimal changes.