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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "applications en ligne" & webdesign

21 April 2009

UpShot: interactive communication tool for creative people

by gregg & 2 others
Impliquez tous les acteurs de votre projet de création graphique grâce à UpShot. Commentez, Validez et Gérez vos visuels. Cocréer est devenu facile et rapide. Un Conceptshare français

19 April 2009


by gregg & 5 others
ConceptShare allows you to easily share designs inside Workspaces that contain designs related to a certain topic or project. It’s easy to invite people into a workspace. Invite team members, managers, clients, and consultants to add and reply to comments, chat and markup designs. People do not have to be in the workspace at the same time to contribute. Workspace members can log-in anytime to any workspace they are member. If members do happen to be in the workspace at the same time they can collaborate with real-time chat and real-time comment updates and concept updates. Paid accounts can manage multiple workspaces and premium accounts can be branded to your logo and colors.

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last mark : 21/04/2009 20:10