23 October 2005
Robin Williams Introduces You to Mac OS X - Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Peachpit Press.
by macroronTiger is the latest and greatest version of the Mac OS X operating system. But even though it's the latest and greatest, it's still Mac OS X. In this chapter, you'll become familiar with Mac basics as beloved author Robin Williams shows you how to use the
Future Vision of ReiserFS ~Hans Reiser - The Naming System Venture White Paper toread*
by macroronName Spaces As Tools for Integrating the Operating System Rather Than As Ends in Themselves.
26 September 2005
1060 research - netkernal - quotes from the blogsphere
by macroronJohn Udell (infoworld) I never heard the phrase "REST microkernel" before, but I had an immediate expectation of what that would mean. An hour's experimentation with the system met that expectation. Wildly interesting stuff.
1060 research - netKernel - service oriented microkernel and xml application server - white paper
by macroronfrom websites to internet operating systems. a perspective on the evolution of the web and a rethink of web-services.
03 September 2005
(5 marks)