June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
Landor: Thinking: In the News: Citroën looking to strengthen its brand image
by irolsCitroën is striking back against the recession and preparing to launch a new model every six months, establishing a striking new line of DS cars to accompany its extensive rebranding program.
Brand New: Citroën, Now with More Shine
by irols (via)I will start this by saying that I am not a car person, I haven't owned one in more than eight years and beyond the obvious subjects, my appreciation of cars and their makers is limited. Given the amount of e-mails I received about the redesign of French manufacturer Citroën, I am going to assume that their cars and brand mean a lot to a lot of people.
March 2009
Automobile : où en est l'identité sonore ? - Veille - Sound design - e-marketing.fr
by irolsDans le secteur de l'automobile, le sentiment de puissance et de représentation de soi évolue vers un sentiment de bien-être et de plaisir. Mais qu'en est-il des codes sonores identitaires de ce secteur ?
Le Journal de l'Automobile : Citroën : Coup de jeune
by irolsDe l'avis du réseau, la clientèle Citroën s'est considérablement rajeunie ces dernières années. Une réalité qui s'inscrit en définitive dans une mutation globale de la cible du constructeur. Plus jeune, celle-ci devient également, plus aisée, plus urbaine… et plus branchée !
February 2009
Landor: News: Press Releases: Citröen reinvents itself with Landor: 2006-2009
by irolsParis (February 5, 2009) - Hoping to stand out as driver for change in business, Citröen turned to Landor, the top international branding and design network, for a helping hand. The result? A complete overhaul, introducing cutting-edge deployment tools: the programme established by teams from Citröen and Landor focuses on the promise delivered by the brand’s new signature, "Creative Technology."