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April 2008 UPDATED: Elite Bloggers Joining FriendFeed In Droves: Silicon Valley Blog

by springnet
Update 2: Given how this is now seen as a reference point for the hot bloggers on FriendFeed, we're going to try and keep it updated. Added in this round includes folks like Allen Stern of CenterNetworks, Tris Hussey, Chris Pirillo and others...

February 2008

Blogging the Olympic Games

by blogsir
some information to help you blog about the upcoming games in China.

5 More Tips on Increasing Blogging Productivity

by blogsir
1、Collect a list of URLs. 2、Double up sources. 3、Use a power web browser. 4、Customize bookmark folders. 5、Summarize and expand. 6、Use an in-browser editor.

January 2008


by blogsir
1、文章的主要观点是什么?表达清楚了没有? 2、我希望该文的读者做些什么?我是否引导他们这么做? 3、文章是否有用? 4、内容是否唯一? 5、我所写的是拉近还是偏离了我的博客目标? 6、是否使用了吸引人的标题? 7、拼写和语法是否正确? 8、是否能够更简介些? 9、是否注明引用或启发的来源? 10、是否链接到以前的相关文章,或其他blogger的类似文章? 11、是否给读者留有评论的空间?是否请求他们评论? 12、访客会通过什么样的关键词搜索这个话题?是否对这些关键词进行了优化? 13、该怎样对这篇文章进行延伸? 翻译自Problogger的13 Questions to Ask Before Publishing a Post On Your Blog

10 Simple Productivity Tips for Bloggers

by blogsir
1. Write more than you publish. 2. Turn off auto-notifiers. 3. Check email less, deal with more. 4. Write multiple posts when you’re feeling creative. 5. Use your feed reader as an all-purpose inbox. 6. Process different tasks in batches. 7. Develop a ‘To Post’ list. 8. Keep a reserve of post ideas. 9. Spend less time reading feeds. 10. Sketch out your posts before filling in the detail.

25 Blog Improvement Tips For The New Year

by blogsir & 1 other
1. Figure out what you’re really an expert in. 2. Put your readers first. 3. Subscribe to other blogs. 4. Comment on other blogs. 5. Link to other blogs. 6. Have a reader survey to find out what your readers really think about your blog. 7. Change your ads around. 8. Declutter your blog. 9. Sign up at a new social networking service. 10. Hold a blog contest. 11. Set up automated blog back ups. 12. Update your blog’s software. 13. Update your plugins. 14. Write for another blog. 15. Ask people to write for your blog. 16. Take a vacation. 17. Set up a blog posting schedule. 18. Throw out your blog posting schedule. 19. Choose (or create) a new theme. 20. Write from a new perspective. 21. Change your writing environment. 22. Stir things up. 23. Use more images. 24. Get more personal. 25. Remind yourself that blogging is fun.


by blogsir
1、资源列表 2、技巧列表 3、有效的建议 4、讨论热门话题 5、引人注目的标题 6、采访名人问答 7、最佳系列的列表

50 Blogging and Online Money Making Tips of 2007

by blogsir
50个关于Blogging和网络营销的经验文章列表 来自

December 2007

How to keep your visitors feel at home

by blogsir
- Provide the content that your blog says it would give. - Be friendly - Market yourself but visitors aren’t fools - Respect them - Communicate with them

Blogging is Like….

by blogsir
Blogging 就像是。。。 ProBlogger整理的一份关于“Blogging 就像是。。。”的文章列表,看看别人将Blogging比喻成什么?你也不妨写出自己的想法。

Blog Writing Project: 78 Blogging Goals for 2008

by blogsir

Live Blogging Tips

by blogsir
总结的一些Blogging 经验

Use These 10 Tips to Write Your Most Popular Post Ever

by blogsir
1. Time is more important than talent. 2. Use your best idea. 3. Use formatting to your advantage. 4. Brainstorm headlines. 5. Invest plenty of value in your post. 6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 7. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. 8. Send messages with links. 9. Utilize your network. 10. Examine what worked before.

16 Things To Do After Starting A New WordPress Blog

by blogsir
1、Blog Design 2、Add Categories 3、Add an About Page 4、Install All In One SEO Pack 5、Customize Permalink Structure 6、Create a FeedBurner feed for your blog 7、Install the FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin 8、Put a RSS button on your blog 9、Start Writing 10、Install the Google Sitemaps plugin 11、Create a Robots.txt file 12、Add your Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools 13、Set preferred domain 14、Install Akismet plugin 15、Add a Contact form 16、Install Subscribe to Comments

8 Bad Decisions When Starting a New Website

by blogsir
1、Free or Cheap Web Hosting 2、Not Buying a Domain Name 3、Not Getting the Right Domain Name 4、Designing Exclusively for Search Engines 5、Prioritizing the Look Over the Content 6、Forgetting About the Target Market 7、Poor Navigation 8、Ineffective Keyword Targeting Another one that I added in the comments was to make sure that the domain you are buying has not been banned by Google in the past. You can research that with iWebTool.

May 2007

Top 25 Blogs About Blogging

by springnet & 1 other
“Top 25 Blogs About Blogging” list.

January 2007

25 Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Readers & Search Engines

by blogsir & 6 others
1) Dump The Default Template - Looks Count! 2) Just Say No To Bad Color Schemes 3) RSS Me! 4) Offer RSS & Feed Subscription Buttons 5) Offer Posts Via Email 6) Decide On Full Or Partial Feeds 7) Write Compelling Snippets/Descriptions 8) Pay Attention to How You Write. 9) Spelling Counts 10) Fontography Counts 11) Don't Forget Navigation 12) How Fast is Your Host? 13) Avoid Widget Overload! 14) Have Descriptive Titles 15) Look at your Cascading Style Sheets. 16) Post Often 17) Spread the Link Love 18) Be Aware of Your Anchor Text 19) Create Unique Stories 20) Use a Related Posts Plugin 21) Ping Other Sites 22) Buy Your Own Domain Name 23) Manage Your Trackback & Comment Spam 24) Use a Good URL Structure 25) Use Great Categories

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