public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "case study"



by gregg
Body/Mind/Change, a virtual and real world extension of the film exhibition, “David Cronenberg: Evolution,” from Siobhan. Gentle spoilers for those who haven’t played yet (not much!).


TheFWA - The Making of “Clouds Over Cuba: An Interactive Documentary”

by gregg
The documentary had to live on a website that allowed viewers to jump around and explore a plethora of content in non-linear fashion. It had to be an interactive and multi-media experience. It had to be consumable on mobile devices and iPads.

Wikipedia Redefined

by gregg & 3 others
les designers de l’agence de création New! en Lituanie ont décidé d’imaginer un nouveau look à l’encyclopédie libre avec le projet : Wikipedia Redefined. L’agence a mis en ligne un dossier complet (en anglais), qui montre comment la charte graphique du site pourrait être remaniée et comment apporter au site une manière beaucoup plus fluide de naviguer, le tout, en gardant l’esprit du site Wikipédia.


Fi Case Study for Civil War 150

by gregg & 2 others
A&E TV Networks wanted to create a fresh, exciting and dynamic interactive experience in recognition of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War that detailed all the various aspects of the colossal and monumental event in America’s History.


女性だけのバレエ用品店が大躍進! スポンサードサーチの本格運用で月商が6倍に!

by kuroyagi


How to generate a case study - Marketing Planet

by karajan & 1 other (via)
Customer case studies are good ways of generating testimonials and good material for promoting your business. Some practical tips of how to create them and make the best use of them.

How to generate a case study - Marketing Planet

by nhoizey & 1 other
Customer case studies are good ways of generating testimonials and good material for promoting your business. Some practical tips of how to create them and make the best use of them.

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last mark : 14/10/2014 15:14

last mark : 23/02/2014 16:03

last mark : 14/02/2009 10:05

last mark : 15/09/2005 23:41

last mark : 15/09/2005 22:48