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PUBLIC MARKS with tag cassandra



Inside Pantheon: the Valhalla filesystem | Pantheon

by holyver
At Pantheon, when we look at challenges Drupal projects face, we don't only do what's worked well-enough in existing deployments. We ask ourselves how we can transcend some of the challenges entirely. How Drupal stores files is no exception. So, when we started building the next generation of Pantheon (now launched), we looked at our options -- and then built a solution entirely focused on the needs of Drupal developers.

Cassandra 1.0 : la base de données NoSQL Open Source arrive à maturité

by astrochoupe
La première version stable du serveur de données a été annoncée par Apache. Au programme des dernières évolutions apportées : la compression des données et une amélioration de la performance globale.


Why does Quora use MySQL rather than NoSQLs?

by nhoizey
"The primary online data store for an application is the worst place to take a risk with new technology. If you lose your database or there's corruption, it's a disaster that could be impossible to recover from."

WTF is a SuperColumn? An Intro to the Cassandra Data Model

by ms_michel
Une présentation très approfondie de la base de données Cassandra pour tout ceux qui ont du mal à comprendre comment ça marche.

Cassandra Jump Start For The Windows Developer

by ms_michel
Explications sur comment installer la base de données Cassandra sous Windows avec un exemple en C# pour s'y connecter



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag cassandra

clevermarks +   digg +   mémoire +   mysql +   optimisation +   performance +   php +   tri +  

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François Hodierne
last mark : 03/12/2014 13:34

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