16 July 2007
P2P-Banking.com Blog » The situation of social lending in France
by CharlesNepote"[...] development of P2P financial services in France [...]"
13 July 2007
Wesabe → Get to Know Your Money
by CharlesNepote & 4 others"get to know your money
Wesabe is a community site that makes managing your money easy. Enjoy secure access to all your accounts, painless tools for taking control of your money and reaching your goals, and members’ tips and discussions to help you find the best values. [...]"
12 July 2007
Why iPhone is game changing, and Bank technologists should take notice « The Bankwatch
by CharlesNepoteExtrait : "[...] Mobile banking has been held up for many reasons, including focussing on the wrong things. But a key impediment, has been the limited browser capabilities of the phones, as telco’s seek to force users into telco authorised content.
Smart developer people will work out the implications, but the power in platforms that cross between PC and phone are significant, making more universal services easier to create. [...]"
(5 marks)