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PUBLIC MARKS with tags certification & linux


Linux Certif - Accueil

by cascamorto & 2 others
Linux Certif est un projet de documentation destiné aux utilisateurs de Linux désireux d'obtenir une certification d'administrateur système. Vous trouverez ici des informations sur les certifications Linux les plus connues ainsi que de la documentation gravitant autour des objectifs d'une certification en particulier: la certification LPI.

2007 Master braindump list, certification exam list

by index
Provides thousands FREE braindumps for most industry-recognized IT certification, including: Microsoft, Oracle, CompTIA, Checkpoint, Cisco, CIW, Novell, Sun and other. Enables to pass certifications with on-line simulations. Includes free study guides.


Certifications Linux LPI

by jlemoine & 1 other
Les certifications Linux LPI sont les plus connues et sont organisées par LPI. Il y a trois niveaux de certification, et chaque niveau comprend deux examens : Administrateur système débutant, Administrateur système avancé et Administrateur système e

Linux Technical Skills Assessment

by maddoxeric
Take a FREE! linux skills assessment test for the next couple of months. Regularly $49.00 or something like that.

LPI - Home

by ruadrift
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) serves the community of Linux and open source software users vendors and developers, in the interest of increasing and supporting professional use of such software throughout world. LPI will seek to improve the skills and resources of Linux and open source professionals, by providing services and setting standards which are relevant, of high quality and widely accessible.

Active users

last mark : 12/08/2008 20:25

last mark : 18/03/2007 00:27

last mark : 18/12/2006 23:30

last mark : 01/11/2006 00:51

last mark : 19/10/2006 09:26

last mark : 05/04/2006 19:30

last mark : 27/02/2006 23:50

last mark : 27/02/2006 23:24