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PUBLIC MARKS with tags cinema & video



Destricted | Home

by sbrothier
"a multi-purpose, beautiful and smart experience that appeals to your head and your lap in equal measure" JESSE PEARSON, EDITOR IN CHIEF VICE MAGAZINE


Welcome to the Redrock Micro online store

by sbrothier
Revolutionary Cinema Accessories for the Digital Filmmaker

Usher · Personal movie assistant

by sbrothier
Wouldn't it be great if there were a tool that could manage your videos and movies as well as Apple's iTunes and iPhoto manage your music and your photographs? Now there is. Meet Usher, your personal movie assistant.

Manage your Video Collection with iTunes | iFlicks

by sbrothier
Using iFlicks you can easily import your Video Collection into iTunes. This gives you the ability to watch your Videos directly in iTunes or transfer them to your iPad, iPod or iPhone. On top of that iFlicks downloads Metadata for your Videos and lets you tweak the Metadata manually. Managing your Video Collection in iTunes has never been this easy.

Plex for OS X

by sbrothier
Plex Media Center bridges the gap between your Mac and your home theater, doing so with a visually appealing user interface that provides instant access to your media. Plex can play a wide range of video, audio and photo formats without having to install any third party video plugins and can stream online audio and video content served by Plex Media Server. Your media library has never looked this good!


The End of the Line :: Home Page

by HK & 1 other
The End of the Line (le bout de la ligne de pêche) est un film documentaire qui n’est sorti qu’aux USA et en Grande-Bretagne concernant la surexploitation des océans, notamment en ce qui concerne la pêche. Il a été réalisé en 2008 selon le livre éponyme de Charles Clover. On y parle donc de plusieurs sujets : le moratoire sur la pêche à la morue au large de Terre-Neuve, la surpêche du thon rouge et l’augmentation de la demande pour les sushis, les conséquences de la disparition du poisson pour l’alimentation des êtres humains, etc…

The Weathered Underground: Interactive Trailer Lets You Choose

by sbrothier
Interactive Cinema has been promising to break through for more than a decade, but Hollywood has yet to calculate how to make interactive films and what to do with them once they're made (like, you know, to make money and that sort of thing).


YouTube - A journey by Louis Vuitton

by ghis
Une magnifique pub de Louis Vuitton. What's a journey ?

Pirater n’est pas voler, en sept mythes — Climb to the Stars

by philippej & 4 others, 1 comment
"Pirater n’est pas voler. Le vol enlève l’objet original, le piratage le duplique"



by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
Vous êtes dans un cinéma d'un nouveau genre...

Solar - A short film by Ian Wharton & Edward Shires

by sbrothier
Solar is a short animated film by graduate creatives Ian Wharton and Edward Shires. A tale of the sun, moon and two characters who inhabit a planet that relies on day and night perhaps more than it would seem.


by sbrothier
MetaX is a meta-data tagger for MP4 files and their derivatives, as well as QuickTime movie files. It uses a modified version of Atomic Parsley at its core to write the tags.

Get Video Artwork

by sbrothier
User submitted and custom artwork for your digital media experience. All artworks is iTunes, iPhone, CoverFlow, Apple TV and HDTV ready

» Documentaire - Cine Eros : Made In Japan » Wildgrounds

by sbrothier (via)
Le documentaire présente le genre, son importance au sein de l’industrie japonaise (le pinku pouvait représenter 50% des films produits selon les années !!), la naissance du genre et enfin son principal intérêt - comment certains réalisateurs ont profité de ces films pour aborder leurs thèmes personnels (Koji Wakamatsu, Tatsumi Kumashiro).


by sbrothier
Lostify is a metadata tagger for MP4 videos. It runs on Mac OS X, and the tags it produces aim to be compatible with iTunes, the iPod, iPhone, Front Row and Apple TV. This means that after you tag a video using Lostify, it will show up in iTunes, iPod etc. appropriately as a TV Show, Music Video, etc., with all the episode information, season information, etc. intact.

Active users

François Hodierne
last mark : 10/01/2013 08:29

last mark : 09/10/2012 10:21

last mark : 21/07/2010 09:49

last mark : 10/07/2010 09:49

last mark : 24/08/2009 10:41

last mark : 30/06/2009 02:11

last mark : 09/06/2009 21:08

last mark : 17/03/2009 10:29