OCTO talks ! » Créer un écosystème ouvert ?
by claire_Les grands acteurs de l’Internet font souvent le “pari de la confiance” en proposant des API ouvertes, accessibles depuis le Web. Ces APIs permettent à d’autres acteurs, entreprises ou développeurs indépendants, d’innover en les exploitant, et d’inventer de nouveaux modèles économiques.
CloudFusion™ - Build awesome, cloud-based web applications in a fraction of the time!
by nhoizey"CloudFusion is a fast, easy-to-use toolkit for the world's most popular cloud computing services."
Why there is no servlets in Play
by nhoizey"I think that the fundamental problem is that using the servlet API is the only way you can plug with the HTTP layer of a JEE server. Perhaps the java ecosystem needs something like Rack. I mean, a real low level and portable API to deal with HTTP. Not an half assed HTTP API built on some flawed architectural principles."
Google Calendar API (GCal) | drupal.org
by claire_This module implements the Google Calendar API. The module is intended to be used by other modules who want to import/export to Google calendars.
by nhoizey & 3 othersBrowserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.
v3 Roadmap - September 2009 - Google Maps JavaScript API v3 | Google Groupes
by claire_v3 Roadmap - September 2009
Ajouter des notes à Evernote avec Twitter
by nhoizeyExcellent exemple d'utilisation de l'API Twitter pour alimenter facilement ses notes Evernote
Shindig - Welcome To Shindig!
by holyver & 4 others (via)What is Shindig?
Shindig is a container for hosting social application consisting of four parts:
* Gadget Container JavaScript: core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality (read more about gadget functionality). This JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API.
* Gadget Rendering Server: used to render the gadget XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript.
* OpenSocial Container JavaScript: JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore).
* OpenSocial Data Server: an implementation of the server interface to container-specific information, including the OpenSocial REST APIs, with clear extension points so others can connect it to their own backends.
Shindig is the reference implementation of OpenSocial API specifications, a standard set of Social Network APIs which includes:
* Profiles
* Relationships
* Activities
* Shared applications
* Authentication
* Authorization
How to design an API: best practises, concepts, technical aspects - Piwik
by nhoizeyOf course to design a good API you should have a look at existing APIs, and even use some of them
Google Wave Preview
by claire_ & 4 othersGoogle Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave.
Official Google Data APIs Blog: Bringing OpenID and OAuth Together
by nhoizey & 2 othersThe Hybrid Protocol is a result of the ongoing effort by the OpenID and OAuth communities to make these protocols more useful for users and websites. Google is working together with the OpenID community to standardize the new protocol as a formal OpenID extension.
Form Builder | drupal.org
by claire_This project allows users to build entire Form API structures through a graphical, AJAX-like interface. It has the ability to read and export FAPI arrays, and users are permitted to change any properties exposed by modules that expose forms to the Form Builder.
Exploiter l'API Schéma de Drupal 6
by claire_Avec Drupal 6, il est maintenant possible de définir un schéma de base de donnée par module comprenant une ou plusieurs tables de manière très simplifiée.
Yahoo! Search Blog: BOSS -- The Next Step in our Open Search Ecosystem
by claire_a web services platform that allows developers and companies to create and launch web-scale search products by utilizing the same infrastructure and technology that powers Yahoo! Search.
COLOURlovers API Documentation and Showcase by COLOURlovers
by claire_With the release of the COLOURlovers API, you can now access almost 1 million named colors and more than 325,000 color palettes for your creative projects and applications
SearchMonkey - YDN
by Xavier Lacot & 2 othersUsing SearchMonkey, developers and site owners can use structured data to make Yahoo! Search results more useful and visually appealing, and drive more relevant traffic to their sites.
Yay ! Semantic Web appearing ?
Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs
by nhoizey & 2 othersMicrosoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
by nhoizeyLa chaîne YouTube des sessions de présentation des Google Developer Days, pour tout savoir sur les API et mashups possibles avec les outils Google
Book excerpt: Framework Design Guidelines
by nhoizey (via)Chapter 4 of Framework Design Guidelines, titled "Type Design Guidelines," presents patterns that describe when and how to design classes, constructs and interfaces. In this chapter, Abrams and Cwalina divide types into four groups and discuss the do's and don'ts of type design.
Download the chapter here.
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