July 2008
InfoQ: An Overview of the eXo Platform
by nhoizeyReally interesting overview of eXo Platform, a must read!
A vos tests prêt... partez : SPIP 2.0.0 beta est dans les bacs
by nhoizeyLachez vos beta testeurs sur cette nouvelle mouture de SPIP, qu'elle soit parfaite pour sa sortie officielle !
Retour d'expérience site SPIP du Réseau Voltaire
by nhoizeyLe Réseau Voltaire, qui regroupe de nombreux journaux et agences de presse du monde entier, utilise SPIP depuis 2002, et propose un retour d'expérience globalement très positif, avec une critique constructive de la gestion des droits et du multi lingui
Accessibilité des CMS par Temesis
by nhoizeySPIP est le moins inaccessible des CMS, mais peut encore s'améliorer ! Temesis met à disposition sa présentation sur l'accessibilité des CMS et un accès à un compte Mon-Opquast de démonstration pour consulter les détails de cette mini-étude.
The Cover Pages: ISO Publishes Three WS-I Profiles
by nhoizeyThe Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) today announced that three of its Profiles have been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
jMar's Blog: Building Your First jQuery Plugin
by nhoizeyIf you've gotten comfortable with the basics of jQuery coding, then you're certainly ready to develop your own plugin. This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own truncation plugin.
syntaxhighlighter - Google Code
by nhoizeySyntaxHighlighter is here to help a developer/coder to post code snippets online with ease and have it look pretty. It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server.
June 2008
Gravatar runs on PHP, previously on Rails
by nhoizeyPrivilégier les compétences internes, plus que la hype : "Our decision on this matter had nothing to do with Ruby, or Rails — in fact we have a great respect for both! The reason [...] we switched is that PHP is our core competency at Automattic."
Describe REST Web services with WSDL 2.0
by nhoizeyA key component of a Web service is a formal description with Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Until recently there was no formal language to describe REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Web services—now there's WSDL 2.0.
May 2008
Performance web » Archive du blog » JSON ?
by nhoizeyContrairement à une idée reçue assez répandue, l'usage de JSON à la place de XML pour optimiser les performances d'Ajax n'est peut-être pas si pertinent que ça...
Scoop: Job Cuts at PHP Startup Zend Could Be Aimed With An Eye Towards a Sale
by nhoizeyEt si Microsoft rachetait Zend pour maîtriser PHP ?
Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise
by nhoizey & 2 othersUn livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort
Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Slides: Capacity Planning for Web Operations
by nhoizeyDe la bonne gestion de la montée en charge sur une architecture sensible comme celle de Flickr
March 2008
A Visual Guide to Version Control | BetterExplained
by nhoizey & 8 othersThis guide is purposefully high-level: most tutorials throw a bunch of text commands at you. I prefer to cover the high-level concepts without getting stuck in the syntax (the manual is always there, don’t worry). Sometimes it’s nice to see what’s p
Google Code Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code
by nhoizeyIf you're a frequent visitor to code.google.com for product updates and reference materials for Google APIs you're working with, you might have noticed that the page loading time (or page rendering time depending on how you see it) has reduced in varying
Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs
by nhoizey & 2 othersMicrosoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
January 2008
Oracle achète BEA Systems pour 8,5 milliards de dollars
by nhoizeyLe concepteur de logiciels BEA Systems a accepté d'être acheté par Oracle pour 8,5 milliards de dollars, font savoir les deux sociétés mercredi.
Assises des Systèmes d'Information Durables
by nhoizeyQuelles sont les caractéristiques d’un système d’information durable ? En quoi un système d’information peut-il se recycler au fur et à mesure des évolutions fonctionnelles et techniques ?
December 2007
Usability Guidelines: Web Design for Users With Disabilities
by nhoizey & 4 othersThe retail value of this report is $124, but it is free as our holiday gift to our loyal readers, as our thanks for your support over the years.
Home | Email Standards Project
by nhoizey & 22 othersOur goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. A community effort to improve the email experience for both designers and readers
Database parallelism choices greatly impact scalability - The Database Column
by nhoizey & 1 otherLarge databases require the use of parallel computing resources to get good performance. There are several fundamentally different parallel architectures in use today
November 2007
Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline
by nhoizeyBy using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself.
Schema Library
by nhoizeyThis page is offered as a reference library to common (and uncommon) industry and cross-industry schemas.
High Scalability | Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.
by nhoizey & 5 othersHigh Scalability was started to help build successful scalable websites. It tries to bring together all the lore, art, science, practice, and experience of building scalable websites into one place so you can learn how to build your system with confidence