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PUBLIC MARKS with tag cobol


Passage de PIC X vers COMP-3

by PêUR
OUTFIL OUTREC=(1,50, 51,10,SFF,TO=PD,LENGTH=4, 61,20)



Le Cobol, une valeur refuge pour les programmeurs ? - Actualités -

by bouilloire & 1 other
"Le langage Cobol (Common Business Oriented Language) est petit à petit tombé en désuétude dans les écoles d'informatique et d'ingénieurs." Non mais faut voir la gueule du langage aussi... VADE RETRO COBOL !!

GSE Nordic Region Website

by PêUR
Support de conférence en pdf, sujets divers : CICS, DB2, IMS, WebSphere, Infrastructure, and Application Development

COBOL Programming Course

by PêUR
COBOL Programming Course


Guillaume Ventre - Développement Mainframe

by PêUR
Cours COBOL et développement Mainframe


OpenCOBOL - an open-source COBOL compiler

by PêUR
Compilateur COBOL toute plateforme

What Languages Fix

by micah (via)
Kevin Kelleher suggested an interesting way to compare programming languages: to describe each in terms of the problem it fixes. The surprising thing is how many, and how well, languages can be described this way.

MVS help

by PêUR & 1 other
Forum mainframe très actif... en anglais


by PêUR
Les site Mainframe: utilitaires, code retour...


TPCI - TIOBE Programming Community Index

by nhoizey & 6 others (via)
The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, and Yahoo! are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TPC index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag cobol

basic +   c +   classement +   delphi +   dev +   java +   langages +   perl +   php +   programmation +   vs +  

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