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PUBLIC MARKS with tags configuration & install

November 2008

Execute commands simultaneously on multiple servers Using PSSH/Cluster SSH/Multixterm -- Ubuntu Geek

by camel
If you have multiple servers with similar or identical configurations (such as nodes in a cluster), it’s often difficult to make sure the contents and configuration of those servers are identical. It’s even more difficult when you need to make configuration modifications from the command line, knowing you’ll have to execute the exact same command on a large number of systems . In this tutorial we will see some tools to execute one command on multiple remote servers using ssh.First you need to make sure you have ssh installed in your machine or you can install using the following command

August 2008

Managing Xen using the xm Command-line Tool - Techotopia

by camel
In previous chapters we have covered the steps necessary to install and configure Xen and Xen based guest operating systems. This chapter is dedicated to explaining the xm tool, and how it can be used to manage guest operating systems from the command-line. If you prefer to use the graphical virt-manager tool to administer your Xen configuration see Managing and Monitoring Fedora based Xen Guest Systems. Contents * 1 xm Command-line vs xm Shell * 2 Listing Guest System Status * 3 Starting a Xen Guest System * 4 Connecting to a Running Xen Guest System * 5 Shutting Down a Guest System * 6 Pausing and Resuming a Guest System * 7 Suspending and Resuming a Guest OS * 8 Saving and Restoring Xen Guest Systems * 9 Rebooting a Guest System * 10 Configuring the Memory Assigned to a Xen Guest OS * 11 Migrating a Domain to a Different Host

Running Vhosts Under Separate UIDs/GIDs With Apache2 mpm-peruser On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other (via)
This article explains how you can install and configure apache2-mpm-peruser on a Debian Etch server. apache2-mpm-peruser is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache 2 web server, very similar to apache2-mpm-itk, but faster (almost as fast as apache2-mpm-prefork). mpm-peruser allows you to run each of your vhosts under a separate UID and GID - in short, the scripts and configuration files for one vhost no longer have to be readable for all the other vhosts. It is based on metuxmpm, a working implementation of the perchild MPM. The result is a sane and secure web server environment for your users, without kludges like PHP's safe_mode.

February 2008

Artica for Postfix, a full Postfix Management console

by camel & 1 other
You are not a Linux expert, Artica for Postfix allows you to install a full solution by one single command line: * Postfix: Main MTA * Kaspersky Anti-spam: powerfull Anti-spam provided by Kaspersky Inc * Kaspersky Anti-Virus * Bogofilter : Bayesian anti-spam * OpenLDAP: Database for main configuration and user management * emailrelay: little SMTP server (used as a content-filter) * SQLite library: zeroconf sql database engine with high perfomances. * Cyrus-imap: powerfull MDA System * Procmail: MDA Filter * Fetchmail: Email retreival * DnsMasq:DNS forwarder and DHCP server * Mailman:Mailing List manager * Sieve: End-user mail filters * Yorel script: Statistics of yorel * QueueGraph: Statistics for postfix * MailGraph: Statistics for postfix * AWSTats and geoip plugin: Statistics set for postfix * renattach: attachments filter

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last mark : 13/11/2008 10:16