public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags copyright & monde2merde


Universal Music: it's illegal to throw away the promo CD we sent you without your permission - Boing Boing

by mbertier (via)
In a brief filed in federal court yesterday, Universal Music Group (UMG) states that, when it comes to the millions of promotional CDs ('promo CDs') that it has sent out to music reviewers, radio stations, DJs, and other music industry insiders, throwing them away is 'an unauthorized distribution' that violates copyright law. Yes, you read that right -- if you've ever received a promo CD from UMG, and you don't still have it, UMG thinks you're a pirate."

Qui veut la peau du domaine public pour faire plaisir à Aznavour? — CAVEAT EMPTOR

by mbertier (via)
Quelle est la pertinence d’allonger uniformément la durée des droits pour tous les vieux enregistrements alors que seuls une trentaine d’artistes sont concernés? Quid des dizaines de milliers d’artistes qui ne touchent plus depuis longtemps un seul centime d’euro sur leurs premières interprétations, faute de vente? Pour tous ceux là -l’immense majorité- l’obscurité est un plus bien plus grand danger que les quelques euros supplémentaires perdus par tous ceux déjà passés à la postérité…


BBspot - RIAA Lawsuit Decision Matrix

by mbertier (via)
BBspot has obtained secret documents which RIAA lawyers use to determine whether to file a lawsuit against a copyright violator. These documents give insight into the RIAA's decision-making process, and could help people avoid lawsuits in the future. We offer these documents as a public service.

Texas court bans deep linking | The Register

by mbertier (via)
A court in Dallas, Texas has found a website operator liable for copyright infringement because his site linked to an 'audio webcast' without permission. Observers have criticised the judge for failing to understand the internet.


Lawrence Lessig

by mbertier (via)
As reported yesterday, there was an ad in the FT listing 4,000 musicians who supported retrospective term extension. If you read the list, you’ll see that at least some of these artists are apparently dead

Slashdot | RIAA Wants Artist Royalties Lowered

by mbertier (via)
The RIAA has asked the panel of federal government Copyright Royalty Judges to lower royalties paid to publishers and songwriters.


EFF: Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs

by mbertier (via)
common eula terms, including : "Do not criticize this product publicly.", "Using this product means you will be monitored.", "By signing this contract, you also agree to every change in future versions of it. Oh yes, and EULAs are subject to change without notice.". -- yeah

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last mark : 09/04/2008 10:44