September 2009
Cozy Lummox
by sbrothierEric Skillman: I'm a Brooklyn-based graphic designer, mostly making DVDs at my day job with The Criterion Collection, though I try my hand at books and such occasionally.
Cozy Lummox: Pigs, Pimps and Prostitutes
by sbrothierSo... Pigs, Pimps and Prostitutes! This is a recent favorite of mine--three great films, and I was very happy with how the design came together. A different animal than my previous Imammura cover, Vengeance is Mine, but both are personal favorites, actually.
Here's the first idea I had, which is pretty close to the final covers
April 2009
by sbrothierThis is an attempt to create cover art for every great magazine I own (+ a few I wish I owned). It's never a straight crib, the source magazines are a jumping-off point for my imagination...
... and covering covers is a theme that lets me combine some of my favourite things; portraiture, typography, pencils and graphic design.
The occasional photos illustrate my current process: I draw A3 & A4 sections which I sometimes collage or retouch in Photoshop.
The COVERS typeface is Akka (a nod to Carlo Scarpa) redrawn by hand, of course.
(3 marks)