June 2011
39 Ridiculous Things To Do With CSS3 Box Shadows | Viget Inspire
by srcmaxBox-shadow is a pretty powerful property in modern browsers. With just six little values, you can make some really neat stuff. How much neat stuff, you ask? To find out, I set a little time aside each day to play with it. The result is 39 ridiculous little experiments that, due to whatever issues, can only be viewed in Chrome 11 or better
May 2011
Layer Styles
by marco & 1 otherjust like your favorite graphics editor but in your browser. And it creates CSS.
June 2010
Gangsta Ass CSS3 Wrapping Drop Shadows
by marcoBetter & leaner than the previous example CSS Drop Shadow, although as with the previous example, it does break if the width is too great..
November 2009
September 2009
(5 marks)