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PUBLIC MARKS with tags data & xml


Using the Semantic Web for Genealogy

by xibe

(...) genealogy seems to be an obvious application of an RDF ontology and the Semantic web. I've investigated making use of RDF and the Semantic Web for Family History. The results of my investigation are here on this web page. In my work, I created a program to translate files in GEDCOM format to XML. I also wrote several stylesheets which translated the data into a new format GEDCOM XML, HTML, and RDF.


XML Alternatives

by clochix
Here goes a list of markup/data serialization languages, influenced (or not) by XML / SGML

XML Matters: Ajax tradeoffs: The many flavors of XML

by clochix
Which is the right way to encode your data for your application ? Article sur les différents formats utilisables pour formater des données utilisées en AJAX


Taux de change Euro.

by kuruzman & 3 others
Le taux de change journalier de l'euro.


Content with Style: Database-driven tree structures with XML and XSLT

by fastclemmy & 1 other
This article deals with the display of tree-structures that are driven by a database. There are actually a few approaches to transform a 2-dimensional structure into a tree, and it seems odd that most are unknown to many developers. Service Data Objects for PHP extension

by nhoizey (via)
IBM travaille vraiment avec Zend à l'amélioration de PHP, ça fait plaisir !

Content with Style: Database-driven tree structures with XML and XSLT

by fredbird & 1 other
This article deals with the display of tree-structures that are driven by a database. There are actually a few approaches to transform a 2-dimensional structure into a tree, and it seems odd that most are unknown to many developers.

Rob Hetland’s web journal

by roberto
Ultimate Citizen: Make a THREDDS catalog of your DODS-served data so folks can view it with tools like the IDV. These are simple XML files that just tell tools like IDV the protocol and location of the data. Check out an example at:

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