Adieu Delicious, Diigo et StumbleUpon. Salut Shaarli ! - sebsauvage.net - Les trucs qui m'énervent -
by ikanAVOS’ Delicious Disaster: Lessons from a Complete Failure | ZDNet
by François HodierneYouTube - Wiimote Whiteboard for Macintosh Users
by HK2010
What’s Next for Delicious?
by François HodierneWe’d like to sell the service, find it a new home, and to help, we’ve fired the entire product team, effective immediately.
Is Yahoo Shutting Down Del.icio.us? [Update: Yes]
by nhoizeysoupir, if at least, there was setup for these corporates to help companies fork away.the Yahoo layoffs included the entire Delicious team.