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PUBLIC MARKS with tags developpement & flash



SWFObject_2_0_documentation - swfobject - Google Code

by srcmax & 5 others

SWFObject_2_0_documentation Embedding Adobe Flash Player content using SWFObject 2.0


Flash Square

by dvbxyz
FlashSquare est un blog francophone sur les technologies Flash, Flex, et tout ce qui peut s'y rapporte

jQuery Flash Plugin

by srcmax & 2 others
A jQuery plugin for embedding Flash movies.

Asual » SWFAddress

by srcmax & 13 others
WFAddress is a small script that sits on top of SWFObject and provides deep linking for Flash websites and applications. In other words it enables the Back, Forward and Reload buttons of the browser and creates unique URLs with page titles that can be sent over email or IM. SWFAddress uses the ExternalInterface functionality introduced in Flash Player 8 and comes with a technique that enables search engine indexing for deep Flash links.


by Lamenoir & 8 others
Site d'aide au developpement du flash


by Lamenoir & 2 others
Site d'aide au developpement du flash | Unobtrusive Flash Objects (UFO) v3.20

by srcmax & 15 others
UFO is a DOM script that detects the Flash plug-in and embeds Flash objects (files with the .swf extension). It has its roots in the Web Standards community and is designed to support W3C standards compliant, accessible and search engine friendly web design. It also contains several features and best practice techniques that other scripts currently don't have. UFO is free, licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL and an Open Source Flash Project.


Fjax - an open, lightweight methodology for Ajax-style development

by srcmax & 4 others, 3 comments (via)
Fjax is an open, lightweight, cross-browser methodology for Ajax-style web 2.0 development. Fjax is a technique focused on drastically streamlining the XML handling layer of web 2.0 applications. Picture Ajax's XML parsing and handling with less than 65 lines of code!


by srcmax & 1 other
Appeller une fonction ActionScript depuis JavaScript

deconcept › SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script

by srcmax & 33 others
SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Macromedia Flash content. The script can detect the Flash plug-in in all major web browsers (on Mac and PC) and is designed to make embedding Flash movies as easy as possible. It is also very search engine friendly, degrades gracefully, can be used in valid HTML and XHTML 1.0 documents*, and is forward compatible, so it should work for years to come.


by srcmax & 1 other
"Il fallait bien que j'me lance à un moment ou à un autre." ...

Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils

by srcmax & 33 others (via)
Très beau site d'agence où la navigation est tout simplement surprenante. Notre curseur est devenu crayon et l'on peut dessiner tout le long du site. Filiale canadienne Publicis.

Orange Project

by srcmax (via)
Un site en flash exemplaire au niveau de l'accessibilité

FedEx + HP

by bazyll
les cases studies d'HP Démos tres sympas.

Levitated | the Exploration of Computation

by srcmax & 24 others contains visual poetry and science fun narrated in an object oriented graphic environment. The sketches and applications generated as a byproduct of research are provided online as open source Flash modules.


Sites Flash : vingt-cinq raisons de dire non

by srcmax & 6 others
Depuis quelques années déjà, de nombreux développeurs de sites ont choisi Macromedia Flash comme seul outil de présentation, en lieu et place d'HTML, mettant ainsi à profit toutes les capacités multimédias de ce produit populaire. Mais cette démarche s'accompagne malheureusement de nombreux inconvénients majeurs que semblent sous-estimer les concepteurs et leurs clients.

by srcmax & 6 others
Site spécialement conçu pour toute personne qui désire apprendre l'ActionScript et plus particlièrement dans le cas d'une recherche de scripts précis

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