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Basic tutorial 10: GStreamer tools - GStreamer SDK documentation - GStreamer SDK documentation

by sylvainulg (via)
Elements can be named using the name property, in this way complex pipelines involving branches can be created. Names allow linking to elements created previously in the description, and are indispensable to use elements with multiple output pads, like demuxers or tees, for example. Named elements are referred to using their name followed by a dot. --- Instead of letting GStreamer choose which Pad to use when linking two elements, you may want to specify the Pads directly. You can do this by adding a dot plus the Pad name after the name of the element



Journal de vnvps: La liberté informatique - une question de connaissance

by JJL (via)
Ce journal a pour but de vous présenter un document (114 pages) intitulé L'informatique sans ordinateur. Il se donne pour but d'inculquer des bases d'informatique à des enfants, avant même de leur mettre un ordinateur entre les mains.



SSO Weblogic 8.1 - Kerberos - Active Directory 2003

by sdaclin
Documentation technique où est présentée toute la démarche pas à pas pour mettre en oeuvre un SSO avec weblogic et Active Directory

Notes d'information - ejabberd

by lecyborg
Liste de contacts partagés - « Shared rosters » Les listes de contacts partagés forment une nouvelle fonctionalité qui permet aux administrateurs d'ejabberd d'ajouter des utilisateurs jabber qui seront présents dans le roster de tous les utilisateurs du server.

Authentification Ldap

by lecyborg
Ce bout de code vient juste après l’article sur l’installation de ejabberd, test de l’authentification ldap. Ca fonctionne très bien ! Il suffit de modifier le fichier de conf /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg

Using Nagios to Monitor Networks

by lecyborg
Nagios is a powerful, modular network monitoring system that can be used to monitor many network services like smtp, http and dns on remote hosts. It also has support for snmp to allow you to check things like processor loads on routers and servers. I couldn't begin to cover all of the things that nagios can do in this article, so I'll just cover the basics to get you up and running.

eeeXubuntu [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]

by lecyborg & 1 other
eeeXubuntu is a custom version of the Xubuntu 7.10 Live CD with fully-integrated hardware support, including native wireless drivers, functioning Ethernet support, tweaks for low-resolution desktop environments, and other miscellaneous fixes. Wherever possible, these changes are incorporated using custom .deb packages rather than spewing assorted files all over post-install. (Screenshot) The goal of this project is to maintain a easy-to-install Xubuntu Live CD image for the eeePC, allowing for a reliable base Xubuntu install. One strong advantage of development for the eeePC is a common hardware platform shared by all users. (Those who are missing a miniPCI slot may, of course, disagree.)

How to get your MySQL Munin Graphs working

by lecyborg
I run a few cPanel servers and run Munin as my resource monitor. At the time I wrote this the version included with cPanel was munin 1.24. Ever since I have installed the plugin from cPanel it would monitor MySQL upon first install and then stop if the server was reboot. Uninstalling and reinstalling would once again get Munin to monitor MySQL but having to uninstall and reinstall just for a reboot, just did not seem like something that you should have to do. After many months of on and off testing this is the fix I have come up with.

Monitoring Servers and Clients using Munin in Ubuntu

by lecyborg
“Munin” means “memory”.Munin the tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in in graphs through a web interface. Its emphasis is on plug and play capabilities. After completing a installation a high number of monitoring plugins will be playing with no more effort. Using Munin you can easily monitor the performance of your computers, networks, SANs, and quite possibly applications as well. It makes it easy to determine “what’s different today” when a performance problem crops up. It makes it easy to see how you’re doing capacity wise on all limited resources. It uses the excellent RRDTool and is written in Perl. Munin has a master/node architecture in which the master connects to all the nodes at regular intervals and asks them for sdata. It then stores the data in RRD files, and (if needed) updates the graphs. One of the main goals has been ease of creating new plugins (graphs).

How-To: Monitoring a Server with Munin

by lecyborg
Munin is a simple to configure tool that make real nice graph about your server status. It can actually deal with almost any aspect of your server (load average, network cards status, CPU usage, memory usage, postfix, exim4, mysql ...) without spending much time in configuring it. Munin produce MRTG likes graph so you can easily see how your server health is going.

Integrating amavisd-new Into Postfix For Spam- And Virus-Scanning

by lecyborg & 1 other
This article shows how to integrate amavisd-new into a Postfix mail server for spam- and virus-scanning. amavisd-new is a high-performance interface between MTAs such as Postfix and content checkers: virus scanners, and/or SpamAssassin. We will use ClamAV for virus scanning and SpamAssassin for spam scanning in this tutorial. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

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