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PUBLIC MARKS with tags drm & sony



Massachusetts Attorney General: Full Article

by plasticdreams
AG REILLY SECURES $4.25 MILLION SETTLEMENT WITH SONY BMG Leads 40 states to resolve hidden anti-copying software issue December 21, 2006

AAC is not Apple's format

by marco
So sure, Sony supports AAC. Great. Sony still a) can't play anything purchased from the iTMS, and b) cannot sell protected content that will play on the iPod.


Sony offers MP3s in replacement for rootkit CDs

by jackysee (via)
Sony 的網上賣歌... 竟然是這樣開始? (很間接... )

Amazon offers refunds for all Sony rootkit CDs

by jackysee (via)
在 Amazon 買了 Sony CD 的可以回水

Boing Boing: Sony rootkit roundup, part II

by tinyau
Sony DRM 事件簿 Part II,Rookit uninstaller 還引致更大保安漏洞,真的離譜

Sony Rootkit 'Fix' Brings More Trouble

by jackysee (via)
Sony 亡羊補牢的 Uninstaller 又有 security hole...

Sony Rootkit Allegedly Contains LGPL Software

by jackysee (via)
Sony 不止 DRM CD 裏有 spyware,而且還用了不恰當的授權軟件....

Microsoft: Sony Anti-Piracy Software Is Spyware

by jackysee (via)
Microsoft 將 Sony 的 DRM CDs 內附的軟件列入 spyware 行列

California Suing Sony Over Rootkit DRM

by jackysee (via)
將有人控告 Sony 那些有問題的 DRMed CD

Sony to Help Remove its DRM Rootkit

by jackysee (via)
亡羊補牢,Sony 為 DRM CD 補上程式,顯示隱藏的 DRM 軟件

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag drm

CCCD +   cd +   security +   SonyBMG +  

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