Woffu - Adaptate a la ley del teletrabajo
by asteriGestion online de vacaciones, presencia, ausencia de empleados.
Solved: Gmail, iPad, iPhone, and multiple from addresses | Modern Nerd
by simon_bricoloenabling multiple “from” addresses under a single Gmail account in Mail on the iPad and iPhone
Seth's Blog: How to send a personal email | typepad.com
by simon_bricoloConseils de Seth Godin sur l'envoi d'email privé
Guide to CSS support in email clients (2008) | campaignmonitor.com
by simon_bricolo & 22 othersGuide to CSS support in email clients
Most Wanted WordPress Hacks: 11 New Requests (2) | noupe.com
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6 Emails You Get When Your Company Is About to Go Under | Cracked.com
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The Principles of Beautiful HTML Email [Design Principles] | sitepoint.com
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How To Install Zimbra On Ubuntu | howtoforge.com
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Vitamin Features » HTML Emails - Taming the Beast
by dcancel & 8 othersShould you use CSS or (horror of horrors) tables? And what do you do when images are ‘blocked’?
Email Address Encoder | wbwip.com
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Tips for Mastering E-mail Overload | hbs.edu
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