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Leopard local Postfix

by marco
Tiger = sudo service smtp start, Leopard = sudo postfix start

Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix 2.3

by camel (via)
The configuration described here is not very complicated but still needs to be done carefully. You are expected to have at least basic knowledge of: * MySQL (creating a database, granting access to users, basic SQL queries) * SMTP (what it is and what a basic SMTP dialog looks like) * POP3, IMAP (what they do and what the differences are) * basic Postfix configuration (understand the default settings in your, have read through the basic configuration document and know that your mail log file is at /var/log/mail.log) * Debian/Linux (general system administration, using a text editor, reading log files)

Drupal Postfix Integration Under Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
his document is derived from Christoph Haas’ tutorial “Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix” ( and Falko Timme’s tutorial “Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS)” ( The associated Mailfix Drupal module must be installed as part of this tutorial. It will guide you through the necessary steps to configure a Drupal driven Mail server. Provided features: * Drupal managed email accounts * Support for virtual domains * Automatic forwarding * Postfix quota support * Silent BCC monitoring * Other features: anti-spam, anti-virus

Artica for Postfix, a full Postfix Management console

by camel & 1 other
You are not a Linux expert, Artica for Postfix allows you to install a full solution by one single command line: * Postfix: Main MTA * Kaspersky Anti-spam: powerfull Anti-spam provided by Kaspersky Inc * Kaspersky Anti-Virus * Bogofilter : Bayesian anti-spam * OpenLDAP: Database for main configuration and user management * emailrelay: little SMTP server (used as a content-filter) * SQLite library: zeroconf sql database engine with high perfomances. * Cyrus-imap: powerfull MDA System * Procmail: MDA Filter * Fetchmail: Email retreival * DnsMasq:DNS forwarder and DHCP server * Mailman:Mailing List manager * Sieve: End-user mail filters * Yorel script: Statistics of yorel * QueueGraph: Statistics for postfix * MailGraph: Statistics for postfix * AWSTats and geoip plugin: Statistics set for postfix * renattach: attachments filter


o3 magazine | The Open Source Enterprise Magazine

by camel
Issue 8 provides a guide to deploying Email systems from End to End. Several columns look at each component of an Enterprise grade email solution using Open Source. These articles lead up to a discussion on designing Scalable SMTP Networks. This issue also looks at Voicemail / Email integration with Asterisk.

Postfix mail server block Malware with blacklist | nixCraft

by kemar
40 23 * * * /etc/admin/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Antispam: Greylisting et Postfix - Effraie@Blog !

by camel & 1 other
J'ai donc décidé de prendre le taureau par les cornes, et j'ai mis en place du greylisting [3] Le principes et simple: chaque mail qui arrive est d'abord refusé par postfix, qui stocke dans une base de donnée l'adresse IP de l'expéditeur, l'adresse email de l'expéditeur, et l'adresse email du destinataire. Tout serveur SMTP "réglo" va tenter plus tard un nouvel envoi, qui sera alors accepté. Les spammeurs, eux, majoritairement, ne feront pas de nouvel envoi.

Lutter contre le spam avec le Greylisting

by Yakao
Fonctionnement technique du Gray Listing, Limites et inconvénients



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