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PUBLIC MARKS with tags fix & hack

February 2008

Select box with fixed width

by maxxyme & 1 other
Select box I.E. width problem (use javascript library)

Drop down <select /> with fixed width

by maxxyme
Fix drop-down &lt;select /&gt; with fixed width cutt-off bugs on IE (use Yahoo! javascript library)

October 2007

TreoFaq: The Treo 600 Buzz Fix

by rike_
I hadn't realized there was a Buzz Problem... There could be a buzz problem. A lot of users have reported that they hear or (even worse) people on the other end of their calls hear an annoying buzzing sound. If you have a problem like this, you might want to ...well, you might want to just go get it fixed. That is, if your Treo 600 is still under contract with someone (either your carrier, the store you bought it from or even PalmOne itself), the safest solution might be going back to those people and asking them to fix the problem. (The most common "solution" for problems like this is simply replacing the entire handset.) That might not be an option for you, however. If you can't get your buzzing problem solved through official channels and you're feeling adventurous (or if you're just feeling adventurous, you crazy person), then you might want to open up your Treo 600 in order to fix the problem yourself.

February 2007

CSS Fix for IE6 adding issue with floats

by quest4knowledge
When a parent container has two children with normal document flow, the parent understands it has children within it, and sets its height to the height of the tallest child. When all children within a parent container are floated, it is taken out of t

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag fix

2 +   access +   accessfix +   cimaware +   damaged +   document +   excel +   excelfix +   gig +   office +   officefix +   outlook +   outlookfix +   pst +   recover +   recovery +   repair +   restore +   undelete +   word +   wordfix +  

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last mark : 13/02/2008 15:29

last mark : 17/10/2007 23:44

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