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PUBLIC MARKS with tag flipboard


How Flipboard Chose Form Over Function For Their Web Version , on FarukAt.eş

by srcmax
There is certainly plenty of room for improvement in the performance of the DOM and animations, and I want us to have a technical future wherein such flashy animations can be applied to user interfaces without so much as a shrug. But sacrificing the DOM’s greatest virtues is something that cannot and should not ever be a requirement to get us there.

60fps on the mobile web — Flipboard Engineering

by srcmax
Flipboard launched during the dawn of the smartphone and tablet as a mobile-first experience, allowing us to rethink content layout principles from the web for a more elegant user experience on a variety of touchscreen form factors



Flipboard, l’application iPad qui transforme le web en magazine |

by srcmax

Si l’iPad change la donne en matière de lecture de contenus sur Internet, FlipBoard va accentuer le mouvement! cette très belle application, disponible depuis ce matin (attention ca sature) introduit une nouvelle façon de lire ses sites web et medias sociaux préférés. FlipBoard reformatte les contenus, images, textes des sites qui sont référencés dans sa base et vous offres une mise en page magazine des plus agréables.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flipboard

application +   article +   canvas +   google +   html5 +   ipad +   mobile +   optimization +   reader +  

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