jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.29 (2008-06-26)
by camel & 4 othersThe Multiple File Upload Plugin (jQuery.MultiFile) is a non-obstrusive plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form (ie.: upload files).
Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM // ShaunInman.com
by camel & 8 othersFile inputs are the bane of beautiful form design. No rendering engine provides the granular control over their presentation designers desire. This simple, three-part progressive enhancement provides the markup, CSS, and JavaScript to address the long-standing irritation.
StickBlog » Blog Archive » Upload multiple files with a single file element
by fredbird & 25 othersIf you have a form where you want to allow a user to upload more than one file, you’re stuck with either adding as many file input elements as the number of files you want to upload, or possibly having new ones appear ‘magically’ through Javascript.
(4 marks)