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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gmail & mail




by greut & 1 other
no more alpine


Utilisez Gmail avec votre propre nom de domaine

by ghis & 2 others
Comment configurer Google Apps pour avoir gmail sur son nom de domaine.


Achieving Email Bliss with IMAP, Gmail, and Apple Mail

by marco & 1 other
Scroll down until you see Advanced IMAP Controls and click the Enable checkbox next to it.


getmail documentation (version 4)

by camel
getmail is a mail retriever designed to allow you to get your mail from one or more mail accounts on various mail servers to your local machine for reading with a minimum of fuss. getmail is designed to be secure, flexible, reliable, and easy-to-use. getmail is designed to replace other mail retrievers such as fetchmail. getmail version 4 includes the following features: * simple to install, configure, and use * retrieve virtually any mail o support for accessing mailboxes with the following protocols: POP3 POP3-over-SSL IMAP4 IMAP4-over-SSL SDPS (Demon UK's extensions to POP3) o support for single-user and domain mailboxes o retrieve mail from an unlimited number of mailboxes and servers o can remember which mail it has already retrieved, and can be set to only download new messages * support for message filtering, classification, and annotation by external programs like spam filters and anti-virus programs * support for delivering messages to different destinations based on the message recipient * reliability o native safe and reliable delivery support for maildirs and mboxrd files, in addition to delivery through arbitrary external message delivery agents (MDAs) o does not destroy information by rewriting mail headers o does not cause mail loops by doing SMTP injection, and therefore does not require that you run an MTA (like qmail or sendmail) on your host * written in Python, and therefore easy to extend or customize o a flexible, extensible architecture so that support for new mail access protocols, message filtering operations, or destination types can be easily added o cross-platform operation; getmail 4 should work on Unix/Linux, Macintosh, and other platforms. Windows support available under the free Cygwin package. * winner of various software awards, including DaveCentral's "Best of Linux"

Diminuez de moitié le volume de vos mails

by nhoizey
Si vous utilisez un client lourd IMAP avec GMail, vous pouvez maintenant arrêter de synchroniser le dossier « All Mail »

mail-trends - Google Code

by srt & 5 others
Mail Trends lets you analyze and visualize your email (as extracted from an IMAP server). You can see: * Distribution of messages by year, month, day, day of week and time of day * Distribution of messages by size and your top 40 largest messa


Gmail réorganise sa page d'accueil

by elkolonel (via)
Une petite news qui ne mange pas de pain, Gmail (le service mail en ligne de Google) vient de réorganiser sa page d’accueil.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gmail

client +   configuration +   google +   groupe:clever-age +   imap +   mail +   mozilla +   thunderbird +   vim +  

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