Xoopit Transforms Your Gmail Inbox into a Multimedia Haven - Digital Videos - Lifehacker
by ghisWindows/Mac/Linux: Firefox extension Xoopit turns Gmail into a robust, searchable media management tool for every piece of media that comes through your inbox. By indexing every attachment as well as every link to photos and videos from sites like Flickr, Picasa, and YouTube, Xoopit allows you to easily search for and find any picture or video and view it from directly inside Gmail.
ThinkGeek :: eStarling Wi-Fi Gmail / Flickr Enabled LCD Frame
by sbrothierLooking for the ultimate cool photo gadget? Then take heart young geek or geekette. ThinkGeek has the new and completely unique eStarling Wi-Fi Photo Frame ready for your hot little geek paws. "Wi-Fi Picture Frame?" you respond quizzically with great anticipation... The eStarling frame is a standalone Wi-Fi LCD photo frame that connects to a wireless network and automatically displays photos e-mailed to it in a slideshow format. Additionally you can specify an RSS photo feed from Flickr based on your own tagged keywords. You can even shoot photos on your mobile phone then e-mail them directly to your eStarling frame for display.
(3 marks)