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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "google docs"


Comment nous avons remplacé Google Docs par notre propre éditeur collaboratif - Contexte - L’information dont les professionnels ont besoin.

by srcmax
Chez Contexte, notre principal produit d’information est l’e-mail. Les briefings quotidiens sont le fruit d’une intervention croisée d’une multitude d’acteurs, du journaliste au rédacteur-réviseur en passant par le chargé de veille. Après plusieurs années sur Google Docs, les limites de la solution nous ont poussés à développer notre propre outil d’édition collaborative : Echo. Je vous raconte comment.


Turn Google Sheets into a database API. Ship fast and manage your data with ease - Stein

by srcmax & 1 other
Ship fast and manage your data with ease. Connect to Google Sheets. Use Google Sheets as your no-setup data store. Build fast and get a familiar interface for managing the data, with the open source Stein.



Draft. Write Better.

by srcmax & 1 other
Write Better with draft Easy version control and collaboration for writers


Monitor your Website’s Uptime with Google Docs

by dzc
Learn how to use Google Docs as a free website monitoring tool and receive instant email and SMS text alerts when your website goes down.


Google Docs passe (enfin) à Cosmo : All your file are belong to us - Zorgloob - Tout savoir sur Google... ou presque !

by srcmax (via)

On attend cette mise à jour depuis plusieurs années, elle sera là dans les prochains jours.

Le communiqué de presse de Google vient confirmer l’annonce faite sur le blog officiel de Google Docs : la mise à jour « Cosmo » (anciennement appelée Gdrive par les rumeurs) pour Google Docs est en route.


Google Apps Script: Expanding the Google Office With Your Own JavaScript

by srcmax, 1 comment
A public document footnoted with “Google Confidential” mentions Google Apps Script, a framework that looks like a kind of macro language (and more) for Google’s web office.

Using Google Spreadsheets as a Database with the Google Visualization API Query Language

by wabaus & 2 others, 1 comment
Using Google Spreadsheets as a Database with the Google Visualization API Query Language

Using Google Spreadsheets as a Database with the Google Visualisation API Query Language « OUseful.Info, the blog…

by srcmax & 2 others, 1 comment
Over the weekend, I started exploring the Google Visualisation API Query Language, which is reminiscent of SQL (if that means anything to you!). This language provides a way of interrogating a data source such as a public online Google spreadsheet and pulling back the results of the query as JSON, CSV, or an HTML table.

Apps Status Dashboard

by srcmax
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps.


Official Google Docs Blog: Presentations turns 1

by kasi77
Presentations is nearing our first birthday, and we're unveiling a slew of new features that will make your presentations pop.

Recherchez vos documents Google Documents sur votre Mac avec Spotlight

by kasi77 & 3 others
Vous possédez un Mac et vous utilisez Google Document. Voici une application qui vous permettra de rechercher des documents et signets présents sur votre compte Google en utilisant Spotlight. Cette utilitaire se nomme Precipitate, il a été développé par Stuart Morgan de chez Google.

Official Google Docs Blog: Embed your forms

by kasi77
Since we launched spreadsheet forms in January, one of the top user questions has been "How can I embed my form into a website or blog?" Last night, we added this option. You'll see this new feature during form creation, when you're prompted to invite people to fill out your form. Just skip the invitation step and look for "Embed" in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Paste the code provided into your blog or website.

Official Google Docs Blog: Featured video: quick and easy forms

by kasi77
From one of your fellow Docs users, here's a well-made and thorough video covering every part of creating a spreadsheets form. The step-by-step instructions are a good way to get started making forms, and they also inform anyone who wants to help others in creating and distributing a form -- but doesn't want to provide tech support while the others figure it out :)

Billy (BK) Rios

by srcmax (via)
Now, normally when I find an XSS vulnerability on a popular domain I just report it to the appropriate security team and move on, but this one is interesting…


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "google docs"

alert +   api +   backup +   bdd +   blog +   card +   cms +   code +   dev +   données +   editeur +   facebook +   firefox +   flickr +   forms +   gdrive +   gmail +   google +   Google Apps +   google calendar +   google spreadsheets +   Holiday Card +   mac +   monitoring +   office +   online +   pop +   presentation +   sheet +   site web +   sécurité +   spotlight +   spreadsheet +   synchronisation +   twitter +   video +   visulaization +  

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