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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & gdrive


Google Docs passe (enfin) à Cosmo : All your file are belong to us - Zorgloob - Tout savoir sur Google... ou presque !

by srcmax (via)

On attend cette mise à jour depuis plusieurs années, elle sera là dans les prochains jours.

Le communiqué de presse de Google vient confirmer l’annonce faite sur le blog officiel de Google Docs : la mise à jour « Cosmo » (anciennement appelée Gdrive par les rumeurs) pour Google Docs est en route.


GDrive One Step Closer to Reality

by srcmax (via)
We’ll see who was right soon enough, because GDrive is now moving from “rumor” stage to “somewhat founded rumor” stage. A blogger found out references to something called GDrive in a piece of Google’s code.


Report: Google preps online storage service

by srcmax
The online storage subscription-based service may be ready for release early next year, according to the report. The service will reportedly include a limited amount of free storage with extra space available for an undisclosed price. Google officials could not be reached for comment this morning.


gDrive 0.6

by maxxyme & 6 others
store files of any size in gmail, via web frontend » Google on t’aime mais tu fais peur

by srcmax & 1 other (via)
Avec le projet Google Drive, qui propose d’offrir à tous un espace de stokage illimités pour tous, les théories selon lesquelles Google aurait pour ambition de contrôler toute l’information ont repris du service.

Online Poll: Would you use Google's GDrive?

by tagtooga
Online poll asking whether you would store your personal files on Google's proposed GDrive.

Is the GDrive Google's next big thing?

by jackysee (via)
大家開始在估四月一日 Google 有什麼新搞作,究竟是 GDrive 還是 Google Calendar?

I hope Google GDrive is real

by vscarpenter (via)
I’m sure everyone’s heard the rumors about Google’s new GDrive service that will supposedly provide users with unlimited amounts of storage space so that any type of file can be uploaded and stored on Google’s massive computers. Privacy concerns are important here and have major implications but putting all the aside and assuming we can solve the privacy issue; we need a solution like this. I for one would love an online backup service where I can dump all my content (code, email, music, pictures, videos, documents, etc) and have them backed up and maybe even versioned. And if they can make it seamless to sync where things are automatically backed up like the Mirra, why wouldn’t you use it?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

bigtable +   clustering +   database +   distributed system +   query +   scalability +   storage +  

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