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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & javascript


bouton de manchette

by magikmanu (via)
Une Autre Paire de Manches s'affaire à vous proposer un large choix de boutons de manchettes et autres passementeries, des plus simples aux plus décalés.



Blink Title of Tab in Browser

by calipussoftware (via)
Did you ever notice that sometimes your tab title gets updated on it’s own while you are browsing websites in other tab. There are many websites that do it. For eg. you shall notice that GMAIL update the title tab with counter of total number of unread email, each time your receive a new email. It’s a good practice to notify your customer that – something has just happened which needs your attention. That way your customer would not loose that important task and you would not loose that customer. Sounds Great!!



Tool for Google Maps v3 (version 3)

by sbrothier
This application is also available with Large map. This is a drawing tool for polyline, polygon, polygon with holes, rectangle, circle, marker(icon), direction(route, path). This application uses the Google Maps API Version 3 (V3). It has all the features of Google Maps MyMaps and has direct access to the code for the shapes (overlays) you create. It should be a full-fledged alternative. You draw and create a map with the shapes you want. KML or Javascript code is presented in the textarea. You copy KML code and paste it into a text editor. Then you have a KML file you may upload to your website. This application should now also serve as a mature alternative to my online V2 tool Digitizer tool

Traquez les bugs de votre site avec Google Analytics

by tonio78
Il est très commun que le tracking Web Analytics d’un site ne comprenne pas la mesure des anomalies techniques (erreurs JavaScript, page d’erreur 404….). Il est pourtant capital de mesurer les erreurs, et ce pour différentes raisons.



by astrochoupe
Règles de développement de Google : HTML, CSS, Javascript, C...


Google Page Speed Online

by astrochoupe & 1 other
Page Speed Online analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. Reducing page load times can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates

Dart : Structured web programming

by ikan & 1 other
Google a publié la préversion de son langage de programmation structuré baptisé DART. Les développeurs d’applications web peuvent découvrir DART sur le site officiel qui livre une documentation technique et des exemples de code.

isolani - Javascript: Breaking the Web with hash-bangs

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Mindful thoughts from Mike Davies about the usage of hash-bang and the problems it may lead to.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

grafica +   graphics +   internet +   italiano +   loghi +   logos +   stats +   tools +   web +  

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