18 April 2007
Google Auto Pager – Userscripts.org
by chunminWhen you do a google search and scroll down towards the bottom of search results, this script will seamlessly retrieve the next set of results and display them on the same page.
28 March 2007
GoogleでYahooを同時検索するFirefox拡張(逆も) : akiyan.com
by chunminGoogleとYahooの両方で検索することがちょくちょくあります。これをインストールしておくことで、普段から使ってるGoogleで同時にYahooも検索してしまう、というものです。
19 March 2007
GoogleTagCloudMaker – Userscripts.org
by chunmin & 3 othersMake Tag Cloud from Google search result.This usr script enables you to find relative word of your search query!!So when you don't know about the word you search , the script helps you to seek the core meaning!
(3 marks)