July 2007
Drupal 7 and PHP 5.2 | drupal.org
by mbertier (via)# As of Drupal 7, changes to Drupal which use language features found exclusively in PHP 5.2 will be considered for acceptance into Drupal core.
# This policy effectively means that Drupal 7 will be incompatible with PHP 4.
May 2007
SilverStripe - Open Source CMS / Framework
by mbertier & 10 othersPowerful enough for any website or intranet design and simple enough for your Mum to use
April 2007
Poo-tee-weet - blog
by mbertier (via)But still, the future of CMS with PHP cannot be stuck with PHP4 until eternity. I really want to use a nice framework that leverages all the cool new PHP5 features and most importantly the new established design philosophies found since the advent of PHP5.
February 2007
JSR-170: What's in it for me? -- CMS Watch
by mbertier & 1 other (via)As you can imagine, JSR-170 is likely to cause a healthy shake-up in the CMS market and beyond. But standards like this can seem very abstract, begging the question, "what's in it for me?"
To answer that question, we'll take a closer look at the repository problem today, the new standard, and then we’ll get back to the positive impacts for developers, CIOs, system integrators, editors, and even vendors.
January 2006
November 2005
Alfresco Enterprise Content Management 1.0 Released
by ddelangleAlfresco 1.0, an open source enterprise content management system, has been released
October 2005
Magnolia Content Management Suite
by ddelangle & 3 others (via)Magnolia had announced the release of Magnolia For Documents 1.0, a document-management-system (DMS) based on JSR-170.
(8 marks)