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Varnish - Trac

by etheriau & 4 others
Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator. It uses the advanced features in Linux 2.6, FreeBSD 6/7 and Solaris 10 to achieve its high performance.

Load Balancing et Fail Over pour les services Web » UNIX Garden

by camel
Comment gérer la répartition de charge et la tolérance aux erreurs lors de l’invocation d’un service web ? Nous allons étudier le problème et proposer une solution élégante, s’appuyant sur la création d’un plugin du framework Axis, généralement utilisé pour les applications Java. Les services web permettent d’invoquer des services publiés sur des serveurs HTTP, JMS ou autres. Un service web est identifié par un URL, appelé « port » dans le jargon. Cela identifie un serveur, un port de socket et un chemin. Le client doit générer une requête en XML et l’envoyer en mode POST sur l’URL du service web. Celui-ci analyse la requête, invoque le service et la méthode correspondante, puis retourne une réponse ou une exception à l’appelant. Tout cela au format XML. Comment les serveurs peuvent-ils garantir leur fonctionnement ? Que faire si un serveur tombe ? Est-ce qu’un serveur de secours est disponible ? Étudions les différentes techniques à notre disposition pour garantir l’exécution d’un service web dans le cadre d’une publication HTTP.

Set Up Gateway Level Virus Security With ClamAV And SafeSquid Proxy | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
In this HowTo, I will explain how you can secure your network from virus and other malware, by installing ClamAV and integrating it with SafeSquid, to scan all in-coming content for virus, and block all infected content at the HTTP Gateway, even before it enters your network. Virus Security In SafeSquid SafeSquid has built-in connectivity to various daemon based anti virus software like ClamAV, Sophos, Avast, F-Prot, NOD32 and Kaspersky. It also has a universal ICAP (Internet Content Adaptation Protocol) client that can be used to connect to ICAP based security software like Dr.Web ICAP, Kaspersky Antivirus for Proxy Server, Trend Micro InterScan Web Security and Symantec Scan Engine. You can even use multiple anti virus software with SafeSquid to simultaneously scan in-coming content. This does not cause any significant latency, since SafeSquid has a multi-threaded architecture.

HAVP – HTTP Antivirus Proxy » UNIX Garden

by camel
Dans cet article, nous allons étudier la mise en place d’un proxy http antivirus : HAVP ( Chacune des pages web demandées par un client est analysée par un antivirus. L’antivirus peut être au choix Clamav, F-prot ou Kaspersky. De plus, HAVP sait parfaitement travailler avec Squid au cas où vous souhaiteriez continuer de l’utiliser. Nous verrons premièrement comment installer l’antivirus utilisé par HAVP. Deuxièmement, comment installer HAVP et les modifications à effectuer pour le faire fonctionner. Enfin, nous verrons des exemples de configuration d’HAVP : * Seul ; * Seul en proxy transparent ; * Et les deux moyens différents de l’utiliser conjointement avec Squid.

Reduce Apache's Load With lighttpd On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
Lighttpd, sometimes pronounced "Lighty", is a lightweight HTTP server that can help alleviate Apache's load by serving static content. Since Lighttpd uses less resources per request than Apache, it generally serves most static content faster than Apache. This tutorial shows how to install Lighttpd behind Apache via Apache´s proxy module.


Linux install and configure pound reverse proxy for Apache http / https web server

by camel
Pound is a reverse-proxy load balancing server. It accepts requests from HTTP / HTTPS clients and distributes them to one or more Web servers. The HTTPS requests are decrypted and passed to the back-ends as plain HTTP. It will act as: a) Server load balancer b) Reverse proxy server c) Apache reverse proxy etc d) It can detects when a backend server fails or recovers, and bases its load balancing decisions on this information: if a backend server fails, it will not receive requests until it recovers e) It can decrypts https requests to http ones f) Rejects incorrect requests h) It can be used in a chroot environment (security feature)

Apache Web Server Speed Configuration Hacks

by camel & 1 other
Apache server performance can be improved by adding additional hardware resources such as RAM, faster CPU, etc. But most of the time, the same result can be achieved by custom configuration of the server. This article looks into getting maximum performance out of Apache with the existing hardware resources, specifically on Linux systems. Of course, it is assumed that there is enough hardware resources - especially enough RAM that the server isn’t swapping frequently. First two sections look into various Compile-Time and Run-Time configuration options. The Run-Time section assumes that Apache is compiled with prefork MPM. HTTP compression and caching is discussed next. Finally, using separate servers for serving static and dynamic contents is covered. Basic knowledge of compiling and configuring Apache and Linux are assumed.



Lightweight Web Serving with thttpd - article

by macroron & 1 other
how to install and configure the simple, fast, and powerful thttpd to serve simple static and generated content very quickly.

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