public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags id & lang:en

21 July 2006

MicroID - Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity

by fredbird & 15 others
MicroID is a new Identity layer to the web and Microformats that allows anyone to simply claim verifiable ownership over their own pages and content hosted anywhere. The technology is radically simple and capable of empowering new and unique meta services with only minor effort.

16 June 2005

[css-d] CSS signatures

by nhoizey (via)
Donner un id au body permet de surcharger la CSS

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag id

alsacreations +   balises +   class +   css +   div +   goetter +  

Active users

last mark : 21/07/2006 21:30

last mark : 30/05/2006 10:50