15 December 2005
20 November 2005
POPSCI EXCLUSIVE The 11-Year Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles - Popular Science
by bcpbcp"Chemical burns, ruined clothes, 11 years, half a million dollars—it's not easy to improve the world's most popular toy. Yet the success of one inventor's quest to dye a simple soap bubble may change the way the world uses color "
17 November 2005
Gamasutra - Features - "Question of the Week Responses: Underrated Games"
by bcpbcp (via)"For the latest Question Of The Week, we asked the simple question: "What videogame or games do you think have been the most underrated in terms of providing innovation or pure enjoyment, and why?" This gave our audience of game professionals a chance to discuss those video games that perhaps didn't get the attention they deserved when they first debuted."
(3 marks)