Reference Library of Digitized Insect Sounds
by EmauxThe sounds of crickets courting and flies flying familiar to many of us, but have you heard a rice weevil larva eating inside a wheat kernel, a termite cutting a piece of wood, or a grub chewing on a root? Modern insect detection and control technology makes use of these subtle signals, sampled below.
Most of the sound files on this page were selected from noise-free sections of recorded signal, but you can hear some typical background noises mixed with insect sounds at I below. The insect sounds have higher frequencies and shorter durations that make them relatively easy to separate from background.
Mystere mystere 20091018 Mystery Je me suis tatée . En fais-je où non, une photo mystère Avec leur perspica
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Société royale
Accueil "rendez-vie"
by fotopolLe site de la société mycologique SOMIVA (SOciété Mycologique Inter-VAllées) En plus des champignons, on trouve des pages consacrées aux fleurs et aux insectes (entomologie). Des images d'une qualité exceptionnelle.
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BioLinks - Web Links for Biology Students
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Philippe Blanchot - Photographe
by fotopolPhotographies | Portraits d'insectes | Faune et Flore | Reportages | Tourisme
Portraits d'Insectes Le livre
Macrophotographie nature. Macrophotographies insectes, araignées, fleurs, gouttes d'eau.
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