public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags internet & webdev


View your local websites on any internet connected device | Finch

by Krome
Share your local websites with any connected device


IE NetRenderer - Browser Compatibility Check -

by Krome & 2 others
IE NetRenderer allows you to check how a website is rendered by Internet Explorer 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5.5, as seen from a high speed datacenter located in Germany. Just type in a URL in the field above and try it out - it's free!


Accueil - Apercite : Générateur gratuit d'aperçu de site Internet pour votre site

by parmentierf
120x90 qui est le format dit Ascreen. Ce format est une image qu'il faut placer à la racine de son site et nommer le fichier ascreen.jpg car de plus en plus de sites d'annuaires vérifient si cette image existe. Si elle existe elle est alors affiché sur l'annuaire. Ce qui donne un vrai plus sur votre présence sur un annuaire.


Build Web applications once, run everywhere with OpenLaszlo - Program - Web Technologies - Builder AU

by parmentierf (via)
OpenLaszlo can help you clear this hurdle by delivering a runtime that runs on all browsers. OpenLaszlo provides a platform for building rich Internet applications that may mimic desktop application functionality. Here's a closer look at OpenLaszlo's features, architecture, language, and development environment.


Christian Fauré » Blog Archive » Bataille rangée autour des interfaces d’accès

by parmentierf
Autour de ce que l’on pourrait nommer de manière générique les interfaces riches il y a profusion d’acronymes : Silverlight, Apollo, WPF, WPF/e, FLEX, AIR, JavaFX, GWT, SWING, etc.

Tutoriel : Premiers pas avec le Google Widget Toolkit

by parmentierf
Le moteur de recherche a dessiné cette infrastructure pour le développement d'applications Internet riches. Présentation de son architecture, et décryptage de ses avantages et inconvénients.

Ext JS - JavaScript Library

by parmentierf & 23 others
Build rich web applications that work across all major web browsers including: * Internet Explorer 6 * FireFox 1.5 (PC, Mac, *nix) * Safari 2 * Opera 9 (Mac, PC)

Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 13: PHP development within Eclipse

by parmentierf & 7 others
Follow along in this series of articles as the IBM® Internet Technology Group designs, develops, and deploys an extranet Web site for a fictitious company, International Business Council (IBC), using a suite of freely available software. In this article, explore how to use the Eclipse integrated development environment to create your Web site, with a focus on Eclipse's support for PHP and using Concurrent Versions System (CVS) for version control.

by ironman & 1 other
webdesign e multimedia design: websites, cdrom, dvd, video

Globalwarming awareness2007

by globalwarming-awareness+2007 & 1 other
Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, and its projected continuation.

OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet applications

by parmentierf & 31 others (via)
OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for creating zero-install web applications with the user interface capabilities of desktop client software. OpenLaszlo programs are written in XML and JavaScript and transparently compiled to Flash and, with OpenLaszlo 4, DHTML. The OpenLaszlo APIs provide animation, layout, data binding, server communication, and declarative UI. An OpenLaszlo application can be as short as a single source file, or factored into multiple files that define reusable classes and libraries.


The Scrutinizer

by phileplanet & 6 others
The Scrutinizer is a service that allows you to analyze, assess and validate any link using various tools and testers on the web.


Browse Happy — Online. Worry-free.

by sunny & 5 others
Le fameux (et magnifique) Browse Happy a été laché par le WaSP et repris en main par WordPress \o/

DNS Stuff

by sunny & 76 others
Outils DNS, tests d'hôte DNS, WHOIS, tracert, ping, et autres outils de réseau et de noms de domaines.

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last mark : 13/06/2005 10:14