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PUBLIC MARKS with tags java & "web services"



Jersey : RESTful Web services made easy in Java

by Elryk & 1 other
Implémentation de référence pour construire des web services en RESTful, possibilité d’étendre Jersey avec SPI, livraison du projet avec Glassfish.


metro: Discover Metro

by holyver
What is Metro? Metro is a high-performance, extensible, easy-to-use web service stack. It is a one-stop shop for all your web service needs, from the simplest hello world web service to reliable, secured, and transacted web service that involves .NET services. The Metro web service stack is a part of the GlassFish community, but it can be also used outside GlassFish.

Downloading a Binary File from a Web Service using Axis2 and SOAP with Attachments

by yatahonga & 1 other
Apache Axis2 is well supported for sending and receiving binary payloads with SOAP using several standard mechanisms such as Base64 encoded binary, SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) and SOAP with Attachments (SwA).

Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project

by roulian & 3 others
The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing J2EE Web applications. The WTP project includes the following tools: source editors for HTML, Javascript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD, and WSDL; graphical editors for XSD and WSDL; J2EE project natures, builders, and models and a J2EE navigator; a Web service wizard and explorer, and WS-I Test Tools; and database access and query tools and models.

How to Develop a J2EE-Compliant Web Service (endpoint + client)

by roulian
This Howto describes how to create a Web Service Endpoint and a J2EE client that uses this web service. The endpoint will provide a method for computing the compound interest from an initial investment, an interest rate (percent) and a time quantity.

Turn EJB components into Web services

by roulian
The evolution of Web-related technologies has changed the way applications in an organization communicate with customer and partner applications. Like every popular technology, Web services came like a wave and have assimilated deeply into IT organizations. Having revolutionized the IT world, Web services are here to stay. Thus, to compete in the market space, certain parts of your enterprise applications must be exposed as Web services.

EJB: Learn EJB, EJB 2.1

by roulian & 1 other
Considering what they are, Enterprise JavaBeans are "easy". As of EJB 2.0 they became even easier. And as of EJB 2.1 you can generate Web services from EJBs. You could say EJBs are too easy. You can create EJBs using an IDE with just a few mouse clicks. What could be easier? A major value of EJBs is their contribution to a set of business standards. EJBs enable scalable distributed transactions and connection to a vast array of Internet services - a modern version of what mainframe transaction systems used to do. However, no matter how easy EJBs may look, you need to be discressionary and careful about usign them. Scalability and distributed services, the platform architecture for EJB and J2EE have been a complex undertaking. And to understand how to write, integrate, and deploy EJBs, you need to understand this platform architecture.

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by roulian & 3 others
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

Web Services - Axis

by roulian & 1 other
Apache Axis is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C.


Web services and Axis2 architecture

by yatahonga
Explore the elements of Apache Axis2 and see why, with its modular and extensible nature, it's becoming the next-generation Web services platform.

Introduction aux Web Services

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Lors de cette présentation, nous essaierons d'améliorer notre compréhension des Web Services, ferons un survol des normes les plus importantes de l'industrie (WSDL, SOAP et UDDI) et regarderons rapidement quels sont les alternatives d'implémentations (styles et REST). La vidéo :

GUJ - Notícias, Fórum e Artigos sobre Java

by heyvoon
Tutorial passo-a-passo para criar Web Services com a ferramente Apache Axis


ServiceMix - Home

by nhoizey & 1 other
ServiceMix is an open source distributed Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and SOA toolkit built from the ground up on the semantics and APIs of the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification JSR 208 and released under the Apache license

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by zelda & 3 others (via)
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by camel & 3 others (via)
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by nhoizey & 3 others
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag java

apache +   api +   dev +   development +   distributed +   faceted +   filesystem +   floss +   français +   grid +   groovy +   information +   ir +   library +   lucene +   MapReduce +   nutch +   openoffice +   opensource +   plugin +   programming +   search +   SearchEngine +   server +   Servlet +   software +   solr +   source +   tools +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   webdesign +   xml +  

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